Make a Love and Beauty Zone

Make a Love and Beauty Zone

Your home is probably already set up to help you feel held by love’s honey hands (and if not, START HERE!). But no matter how much good vibing is flowing through your abode, create a supercharged space dedicated exclusively to love and beauty.

Maybe it’s spaciousness, itself, that radiates the most delight. Great! Leave that space open.

And maybe a handful of seaglass finds its way there, and that drawing by the rumpled hair kid you adore, and the bouquet of wildflowers your love brought you from the moon.


Just love. No business. No paperwork.

Put it somewhere you can’t miss. Let it stop you, hold you in beauty’s fierce and tender grip at least once a day.

Tend to it. Mix it up. Dust it. Pay attention.

Make more. In your home. At work. Spread it. On the street. At school. In the car. On the bike.

Bask in it.

p.s. Add a little soul-and-body love to your beauty zone; some wellness tinctures to give your body a little TLC; some nymph magic art to give your heart a little spark! Whatever makes your soul sing.


Write a First-Class Love Letter

