
Usnea Lichen. Note the central cord.

Usnea is a fungus famed for its protective qualities. This tangled beauty has been traditionally used to support respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tract infections, and to stimulate the immune system. It's one of our forest's most powerful magicians.

Identifying Usnea

Usnea lichen, also known as “witch’s beard” lichen, looks like a less shiny version of the tinsel some folks hang on Christmas trees. It hangs off of branches in healthy mature and old-growth forests. Because it is so sensitive to airborn pollutants, its presence is a good indicator that its home environment is in good health.

You can positively determine the draping beard-like lichen by pulling lightly on a strand of it and seeing if a white-ish, elastic central cord is revealed. If there is no central cord, you have probably found Alectoria, another beard-like lichen that grows in the same habitat but has not traditionally been used medicinally.

Harvesting Usnea

You are most likely to find Usnea growing on hardwoods and conifers in wet, rainy, and foggy fir and cedar forests. Because it plays a crucial symbiotic role with the trees it grows upon, please only harvest Usnea that you find on the ground and fallen branches. It is best harvested from late winter through mid summer. Keep the vibrant, healthy tufts and discard dry, brown, or cracked portions.

Medicinal Use of Usnea

Usnea has a long history of being used to support the immune system; help with recovery from respiratory urinary, and reproductive tract infections, and some bacterial infections. The tincture may help with pneumonia, strep throat, and herpes. For vaginal infections, it is recommended to douche with 1/2 oz. of tincture diluted in 16 oz. water. Externally, powdered Usnea or salve has been used to prevent infection in cuts and to encourage the healing of wounds.

Find Usnea in our Apothecary

You can find Usnea tincture in our Seasonal Resilience Blend. If you would like an Usnea-only tincture, please contact us and we will be happy to send one your way!


It is not recommended to use Usnea during pregnancy.


For educational purposes only. This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.