The Farm


We live, farm, wildcraft, make wellness potions, and create art at Full Bloom Community in the little Applegate Valley of Southern Oregon. Somehow, we have landed on this 240-acre piece of land that not only has a field with a view, a creek running through it, wild medicinals galore, and endless old fire roads to explore, but is home to Rise Up! Artisan Breads, a wood-fired bakery where bread is made the old-timey way. We’re never hungry here.

While we grow a variety of healing herbs, our largest and most intensive crop is the one acre of CBD hemp we grow with organic best practices. We do as much as we can to minimize our impact on this land and the planet, in general.

Seth and Becca taking a break from field prep. April 2020

Seth and Becca taking a break from field prep. April 2020

Instead of using sheets of plastic to keep down weeds, we maintain our fields with a combination of cover crop and electric trimmers. Our plants are fed organic food and we encourage dragonflies, wasps, ladybugs, and other natural predators to control unwanted insects. Our cover crops restore the soil and double up as dinner greens. And the birds and insects find a happy home here with the berry bushes, cherry trees, and wildflowers galore!

In addition to hemp, we also grow calendula, yarrow, chamomile, self-heal, valarian, tulsi, schisandra, skullcap, St. John’s wort, pleurisy root, and motherwort. Wildcrafted goodies include elderberry, cottonwood bud, rose hips, plantain, silk tassel, fireweed, goldenrod, california poppy, mugwort, lemonbalm, mullein, Giant Sequoia, Coastal Redwood, Douglas Fir, and Incense Cedar.



These are all on their way to becoming healing salves, tinctures, and potions to keep your heart open, your body healthy, and your whole self free from pain and anxiety!

This farm and the surrounding mountains have also provided inspiration for many of Becca’s hand-drawn greeting cards, and book, The Soul’s Delights: Recipes for a Life of Love and Beauty. It is also the backdrop against which astrology and tarot readings are given. Subscribe to our blog to learn about our offerings as they unfold!

May the bounties of this land bring you much healing love and beauty.

Magic in Action