Nymph and Woodsman

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Healing Elderberry Elixir Recipe (aka Healing Hot Toddy!)

Hello lovelies! In today’s blog, I’ve got a healing elderberry elixir recipe just for YOU! Otherwise known as a healing hot toddy. Enjoy:)

But first, some quick announcements:

  1. Good news! We dropped our CBD tincture prices significantly and have added a few CBD variety packs to our offerings. Check them out!

    2. There’s still time to order gifts of healing love in time for the deep winter holidays!

3. Maybe you know I’m crazy for hot drinks, and maybe you know this because I accidentally tossed a mug full of steaming cider on you one wintery Montana afternoon long ago (I’m sorry, Cameron!).

I love classic hot toddies, red wine heated up with orange juice and spices, and hot cocoa churched up in all manner of ways, but my favorite hot drink of all is this Elderberry Elixir, otherwise known as a Healing Love Hot Toddy.

This brew is not only bright and fruity and spicy and cozy as can be, it’s straight-up healing MAGIC. I swear, I haven’t gotten sick once since I started making it three years ago!

It prevents colds, shortens flus, opens your heart, increases circulation, calms your belly, and—especially when combined with a dropperful of CBD tincture— eases aches and pains and makes the holiday rush far less stressful.

It’s a prescription we could all use to stay healthy and relaxed through these long, dark, sniffles-prone days of the year. And, poured into groovy jars from the thrift store, this elixir makes a gorgeous, glowing gift of healing love and beauty.

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Elderberry Elixer

Like most drink recipes, this one can be played with in a million zillion ways. Follow this one as a guide, then tweak it to fit your tastebuds and supplies. You can get dried berries at your local herb shop or online at Mountain Rose Herbs.


  • 1/2 cup dried elderberries for immunity

  • 1/4 cup dried hawthorn berry for a strong and open heart

  • 1/4 cup dried rose hips for vitamin C and good cheer

  • a couple cinnamon sticks for spice and circulation

  • 1 TB cardamom seeds or powder for a strong and soft belly

  • a thumb-sized knob of ginger to stoke your inner fires

  • 1/2 lemon, squeezed or sliced, for zest

  • Maple syrup, honey, or other sweetener to taste

  • One dropperful of CBD tincture (optional)


  • Combine everything but the sweetener and CBD in a medium-sized saucepan.

  • Pour four cups of water (and/or apple cider) over ingredients, cover with a lid, and bring to a near-boil.

  • Lower heat to a super gentle simmer and let the ingredients work their synergistic magic for 15 minutes.

  • Strain, then add 2 TB of sweetness (or more! or less!).

  • For an extra-healing and relaxing toddy, add a dropperful of CBD tincture to your mug.

May you stay healthy this winter. May you stay calm. May your gatherings bring light into the dark spaces. May you gift yourself with as many offerings of love as you share with others.

In big love and bottomless beauty, xoxox Becca