Coronavirus in U.S. - The How and Why (I'm not fearful).
As an adult I’ve now lived to see three major viral outbreaks in our country, HIV, FLU, and Swine Flu probably more than those three but those are most prominent in my mind at this time. Corona virus is now the fourth. I heard some emotional conversation around the Corona virus the other night and it made me think and ask questions about our response as individuals and as a society to this latest viral epidemic.
Particular to that conversation is a good article that outlines a timeline of events and decisions made which shine a little light on culpability and why we don't have much good or clear information right now.
Yes I have anger around the fact that we have a gang of clowns at the head of this country and our United States culture is playing catch up treating symptoms rather than (dis)ease (health, economics, disparity and class) but a bigger question than "Who is to BLAME!" is why I am calm and not really very fearful right now?
To be clear I do have some fear mainly fear for my parents (74 and 94) though they don't seem to be too vulnerable, are obsessively clean, quite healthy and appear to be making good decisions about where and what is safe for them to be doing. It helps that my mother is a retired nurse/nurse administrator of 30 years.
Speaking to health and mortal vulnerability, most of us are not that vulnerable but that doesn't exempt us from getting sick and spreading this to those who are very vulnerable.
Sad to say it but it seems this virus, like most flu is, hitting the most vulnerable., mainly the elderly with preexisting conditions especially diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory issues and it seems to be hitting fast and hard. Initial mortality rates for Corona seem to be between 1 and 3%.. Doesn't sound like that much to be fearful about but in comparison to the usual host of flu viruses in the US of around 0.1% mortality rate, which translates to 10,000 to 60,000 deaths in the US each year, 1 to 3% is quite a large jump, a magnitude jump.
So there is legitimacy in being a bit fearful especially if we are vulnerable.
Healthy fear keeps me safe but as a human, at times, I find myself fearful of the things I really shouldn't be. For me fear of gangs of clowns (this is serious!!), crowds of strangers, tidal wave, hit by a tree falling in the woods and being stuck on the 20h floor of a building during an earthquake can overcome the things I should have a more healthy fear of such as climate change, heart attack, stroke and cancer.
Forest Treasures - White Morels from our back yard .
Somehow, at an early age, through watching others and making my own mistakes, I learned to ask myself: Which of the things that are surrounding me everyday are things I should truly be fearful of?
With that early understanding I got really good at compartmentalizing things that could cause me anxiety and propagate my fears. So good it caused me to to sometimes ignore the things I should really be paying attention to. It has been in the last 12 years that I've learned to strip it down and ask: What’s really causing my fear and anxiety?
Going deep to the foundation of my (dis)ease is a a very basic fear of losing control. This is my shadow, that I have to be vigilant and aware of, what I call “keeping in front of me”. If I don’t keep it in front of me my fear and anxiety come out sideways to what I really want to say and do and I end up doing and saying things that hurt others and I might later regret. Reacting against a loss of control has been a tool that has not served me well. I lose my agency (golden control) and become more deeply enmeshed in irrational fear and anxiety.
For me excessively compulsive thoughts and behavior is my control shadow keeping me down and riding me around like a show pony. What are tools that help me feel more in my agency that are not excessively compulsive and are not causing me more fear and anxiety?
There’s not much I can do when a gang of clowns comes to town and starts messing in my business. That's a tough one (I can vote but that's about it). Dedicate more time to civil engagement….I’am still working on this one and it’s feel better but I still get triggered when I’m exposed to too much clown action. Civil engagement is a challenge and large crowds still make me anxious and fearful though I can prepare myself a bit before engaging in them.
Searching for Forest Treasures - Turkey Tail on an Oregon White Oak dead fall.
Far easier and more fulfilling to me are things I can do (while living my normal rural, agrarian life) to prevent climate change, heart attack, stroke and cancer. Promoting love and beauty while maintaining healthy boundaries is fundamental to this life that Becca and I are cultivating together. Pushing love and beauty out to a larger host, in ever widening arc’s of interaction is hugely fulfilling and healthful. I (we) now have much of my (our) agency (golden control) back while fear and anxiety recede. Yes crowds still mess with my mind and body. My work is never done.
A huge factor in being able to see and feel what is truly going on around us is reducing stress on your bodily systems and therefore your mind. Remember “free your mind your ass will follow”? It works in reverse too, for everyone. Freeing your body of physical stress and anxiety has a profound, direct, immediate and elevating effect on the depressed, anxious and fearful mind. I know this intimately.
If you are not treating your body well and feeling it in your mind take this latest viral thing as an opportunity to start being good to your body and mind. Create some space and balance, NOW.!
Shift your, not a Die(t)...a lifestyle shift.
What are some of the general body things that help me reduce anxiety, fear, depression and return to a body and mind in balance, with a sense of well being?
Riparian Zone Nymph - Playing Banjo by the river.
1. Do some daily exercise -not so strange but true...Cigarette smokers who exercise and eat well live longer than non smokers who eat poorly and don't exercise. I’ve stopped smoking….again….and along with eating well and exercise integrated into my daily activities I’m feeling better than ever……at 50 years old. Fortunately we live on land that has lots of hills and I get stair climbing action everywhere I go. Plus the Nymph likes to hike and walk in the woods, a lot.
2. Get outside and Avoid the Crowd - New research says that viewing green(ery) stimulates our immune system as well as the feeling of health and well being.
3. Reduce stress - 1 and 2 as well as choosing my work, mindfulness, writing, playing with Nymph's, CBD, reading and hobbies do this quite well for me.
4. Eat well - Lots of fresh veggies and I am a big promoter of dramatic reductions or exclusion of caffeine, refined sugars and alcohol.
Woodsman with Usnea Tail.
5. Get lots of rest - Set yourself up for a good night sleep. Naps are good but not if they disturb your regular sleep schedule
6. Do the things that make you happy - Along with looking for woodland treasure, goosing Nymphs, deep process work, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are some of the things that make me and my body happy.
What makes you happy? As long as it's consensual, do it.
Google it up...the above six things work better than any pharmaceutical or herbal.
All of that to say these viral things have been around for billions of years and the latest one is likely here to stay....get used to it....don't be fearful...adapt and overcome, take back your agency.
Wash your hands, stop shaking hands (elbow bumps and bows are now in).
Go outside and do what you do, unless directed not to by professionals, gangs of clowns don't count as professionals.
The Nymph & Woodsman
We will be living with this virus for the foreseeable future and there will surely be others to come along.
Be well, in love and in beauty.