Balance Within
Dark-Light. Joy-Grief. Rest-Action. Solitude-Companionship. Shadow-Gold. Expansiveness-Boundaries. Work-Play. Indulgence-Restraint.
And all the places in between.
These little orchids need just the right balance of light and shade to bloom.
Hello loves! On March 28th, from 10-12:30 Pacific, the fantabulous astrologer Titiana Shostak-Kinker and I will be facilitating a Zoom workshop in honor of the Spring Equinox and Full Moon in Libra. Please join us! We’ll call upon guided meditation, freewriting, movement, and personalized tarot and astrology readings to explore the areas of light, shadow, balance—and imbalance—within. We only have a few spots left, so click here to learn more and enroll now!
For the past several months, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere have been living in the dark belly of winter. But on March 20th we will cross over the sweet spot where day and night are equally balanced. And as excited as I am to cross this threshold into expanding light, a part of me always grieves the end of winter—a time when I love to draw inward, light candles and wear my coziest clothes and sit by the fire and stir up big pots of soup and play with wool and head out into the woods with skis and a thermos.
Yet come the equinox, the call to action will be strong! There are seeds to plant and fields to prep and plants to wildcraft and potions to make and mountains to climb and beloveds to visit. And I will have to work just as hard to relax within those long days as I do to pull myself out of my nest in the winter. I’m excited for all that expansiveness, but also want to hold onto the brief sense of balance that spring bestows upon us.
This year, I want to remember what spring has to teach about balance throughout the year.
Balance is inherently dynamic.
I’m always seeking balance… and I’m always just a little bit off. But this is how balance works, right? When I stand on one leg in a yoga pose, I feel how dynamic balance really is. To stay upright on leg, my body makes a million micro- (and sometimes macro-) movements. For there is never just static, smooth, no-work-to-be-done-now balance. Not in wildness and not in our lives.
Instead, there is a dance. An endless dance choreographed by my own needs and those of others. By the things that come easily to me and the things that are hard. By the things I want to do and the things I need to do. By valuing who I am now while striving to be more of all the good things. By journeying into the mucky and mysterious places within me while reveling in all the ways I shine.
Who are the choreographers of your dance?
The Justice card and Libra are BFF. From the Wild Unknown by Kim Krans.
Just a week after the Equinox we will have a full moon in Libra, the sign of the Zodiac that initiates relationships and represents balance, harmony, beauty, and justice. Libra’s symbol is the scales—the old-timey kind that rely on gravity and teeter totter until a semblance of balance is struck. The Libra full moon shines a light on how balance shows up in our lives—and how it doesn’t—and gifts us the opportunity to bring our scales just a bit closer to center.
In this workshop, we’ll look at where Libra lies in your chart to understand the particular areas of your life most influenced by its energies. We’ll also look at your chart as a whole, noticing which energies come naturally to you and which need extra infusions of intention for a sense of balance. Finally, we will pull a tarot card for each person and hear what it has to say about your infinite, spiraling, beautiful, and perfectly imperfectly dance toward balance.
In love, beauty, and balance,
Becca xoxoxo