Nymph and Woodsman

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Nymph and Woodsman Wellness: Uncovering our Inherent Wholeness

THE SHORT OF IT: Join me for a FREE online New Moon Gathering on Sunday, March 19th at 4pm PST! It’s the first in a year-long series. Details and registration here.

THE LONG OF IT: If you read my last blog post, you know that I’ve been working on my dance with commitment and timeless freedom, Chronos and Kairos, my inner Judge and Rebel. And it’s going well! I’ve been setting the alarm and getting up early enough to do my favorite morning things, sitting at an actual desk by 9am, and spending my weekends with little attention to the clock or calendar… so my Judge isn’t feeling very judgey, my Rebel isn’t being rebellious, and I feel more energized and free than I have since we moved to Southern Oregon five years ago.

All of this means there’s actually been space for me to feel into what I want to commit to, rather than avoid as many responsibilities as possible for fear that I’ll be trapped by them… and then wonder why my visions are so slow to come into physical form. No more!

Henceforth, I commit to proactively committing my time to things that help my light shine brighter. EVEN though committing to one thing means that I might not be able to show up for something else. And there’s so many things I want to show up for! But today I am realizing that standing still and basking in all the potential adventures I could have is nowhere near as fulfilling as stepping onto the trail that’s singing my name the loudest.

And right now, that trail is the one blazed by a year of new moon gatherings I am excited to share with you. A friend recently asked if I’d consider facilitating monthly new moon rituals, and her request woke up a desire that’s been simmering inside of me for a long time… my Rebel has just been too scared to commit to a whole year of anything that impacts my monthly calendar.

But her request registered as a zingy YES! in my body, so I listened.

I want to share a journey with others. I want to hold a container for myself and others to connect with our truest selves and contact the love that is at the center of everything. I want to slow down at the new moon, take time to reflect, release, intend, create, connect, and grow. And I want to be a part of community of folks doing the same. Join me!

Let’s do this!

Over the course of a year, the new moons travel through each sign of the zodiac, carving a path through the wilderness of psyche and soul, and so will we. The cycle begins with go-get-’em Aries in the beginning of Spring, ends with dreamy Pisces as winter melts away, and brings us into contact with a full spectrum of universal human archetypes along the way.

Our 13 Moons Journey will be an opportunity to explore how those archetypes arise inside of us, and how we can use them to help us uncover our inherent wholeness and evolve into the freest versions of ourselves yet. You are welcome to drop in any time or register for a full year for a discounted price. You can also sign up for monthly new moon recordings tailored to your birth chart, as well as a Fall Equinox gathering near PDX, Oregon.

And if you’re moon-curious but not sure if this is your jam, join me on Sunday, March 19th, from 4-5:30pm PST for a FREE new moon gathering! For more information, contact me or check out the registration page.

Be well! Be free! Be love! xoxo Becca