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Ground, Shed, and Expand: A Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Aquarius

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New Moon Aquarius Becca's iPhone

Hello lovelies,

Today is a new moon in Aquarius! This sign is known for being the most unconventional of all, the most likely to buck the status quo, and the most devoted to bettering the lives of people everywhere. And the new moon here is being squared—that is, shaken up—by Uranus. A planet that also loves a good shake-up.

Uranus wants us to shake free of the skins that no longer fit us. It wants us to let go of old versions of ourselves and other people’s expectations that keep us small. It’s all about the kind of transformation that happens quickly—a lightening storm, a brush fire, a blast of inspiration!

And new moons are always potent times to plant the seeds of our intentions for the next month and beyond. This moon is asking us to consider what we want to shake free of. It’s asking us to let our quirky selves out without worrying what the herd thinks so that we may, as Brene Brown teaches us, actually feel a TRUE sense of belonging. One that’s based on who we actually are.

This moon and all the airy, fiery energy circulating also wants us to consider how our daily actions may contribute to the greater good… remembering that every bit of work we do on ourselves, every act of generosity we share, and every moment of vulnerability and truth-telling we offer is a gift to those around us that has ripple effects larger than we can fathom.


Above you will find a meditation for the new moon. Treat yourself to 20 minutes of quiet time in the next few days. Heck, light a candle, grab a journal, and make it a full hour!

And if you want extra support in staying grounded and clear during this time of change, try integrating some of our Sweet Relief CBD Tincture into your daily grounding routine. It’s got so many magical properties, but one of my favorites is its quiet way of making everything feel just a bit more spacious and manageable… it’s like a gateway to the Observer Mind, and it is an excellent addition to hot cocoa and healing elderberry elixir!

Finally, I pulled a tarot card for us this morning and got The Empress…. Ha! Perfect. This beauty is all about sensual earth energy. She lives in abundance, and she knows it. She is grounded, connected to the earth’s rhythms and cycles and, more importantly, she delights in them.

She lives IN her body, and I’m pretty sure she appeared today to remind us to stay connected to our bodies in this time of heady air and action-oriented fire. She wants us to take walks and eat root vegetables and snuggle and stretch and simply sit. This will help give us all the grounding we need to shed the skins that no longer fit us!

May you stay connected to the earth and to your center as you allow all that no longer fits to fly, drop, or burn away!!

Lots of love, Becca

P.S. The Empress is from the Portland Tarot, a deck made by Theresa Pridemore of Portland, OR. The model for The Empress is Liliana Barzola of Lotus Lantern Healing Arts. She is a widely beloved intuitive healer and has played a crucial role in my own evolution and creative expansion!